
December 6, 2022

Planning for east-central irrigation expansion

In the blink of an eye, or in 138 years, rail has entered Alberta and become critical to the logistics network. Let’s an understanding of the industry, the costs, types of railroads, and participants before focusing on short line rail and discuss specific considerations and opportunities.
November 29, 2022

Region’s largest proposed solar play gets approval

In the blink of an eye, or in 138 years, rail has entered Alberta and become critical to the logistics network. Let’s an understanding of the industry, the costs, types of railroads, and participants before focusing on short line rail and discuss specific considerations and opportunities.
November 18, 2022

Western Canada’s best location for your next pulse processing facility

Over 600,000 acres of pulses are grown in Alberta’s Palliser region. Shovel-ready land provides rail access, utilities, and skilled labour. With an abundance of crops and rail-ready communities, the Palliser region is Western Canada’s vest location for your next pulse processing facility.
November 18, 2022

Start your Distillery in Southeast Alberta

Alberta’s craft spirits sector is poised for explosive growth as consumers seek small-scale, locally-produced products. Alberta’s Palliser region is home to some of the best ingredients in the world, with excellent market access into Alberta’s major cities. Experienced distillers in Alberta and British Columbia are seeking new places to make their spirits.
December 17, 2020

Palliser Economic Partnership wins Award of Excellence for Business Retention and Expansion

The Economic Developers Alberta (EDA) awarded its 2020 Business Retention and Expansion Award of Excellence (Large Community) to Palliser Economic Partnership for its role in developing the Len Mitzel Logistics Park, in the Village of Foremost. The awards were announced during the EDA’s virtual conference on November 25 and 26, recognizing the efforts of Palliser Economic Partnership and the Village of Foremost to develop the logistics park, which serves as a laydown yard for major wind energy projects, and agrifood processing.
December 16, 2020

Start Your Distillery in Bassano

Bassano is little more than an hour from Alberta's largest market: Calgary and it's 1.3 million thirsty residents. Located on the Trans-Canada Highway and in the middle of the Eastern Irrigation District, which provides water to over 300,000 acres of productive farmland. With access to locally-grown, abundant and high-quality crops, a strong marketplace, and commercial real estate on Canada's busiest highway, there is a strong business case for a Bassano-based distillery.
December 16, 2020

Start Your Distillery in Bow Island

A Bow Island-based distillery has easy access to Calgary's 1.3 million population, Lethbridge's 93,000 population, and Medicine Hat's 63,000 population. Bow Island is in the heart of Canada's best agricultural growing region, surrounded by high-quality crops, irrigation, and a well-populated regional market. Add in a highly motivated, entrepreneurial population rooted in agricultural production and Bow Island has all the ingredients to open a successful distillery. Rural distilleries are popping up across the province, proving remoteness is not a restricting factor.
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